Sunday, December 21, 2008

The new hobby

So my very first entry into the blogging world was one related to politics. I think I am going to be done with that on this page since it's more fun to indulge my other hobby. :) I don't quiet think I am ready for the full picture posting as yet but I guess I never thought I would be ready for a blog about this either :)
It's amazing what I've been missing all these years. I've always been fixated on and loved make up. I've bought so much of it over the years(I am only 30 I am not THAT old LOL) that my mothers friends used to come and pick out what they wanted since it would all just lay in my beautiful cosmetic bag. I would buy it, come home, try it and it would never look as I pictured it to be.
The problem has been that I never really knew how to put make up on properly. My mom does not nor has she ever worn make up and I pretty much did not have anyone to learn from while growing up until I by accident stumbled on to youtube, LOL, and it has been history ever since. :) Besides having the very best time watching all the videos I've learned sooo much!!!! I've added a few things to my collection ever since and I couldn't be happier. One example is that I've owned two MAC make up brushes but I didn't really want to spend a lot of money on more because I wasn't really sure what was good and what I would really need. I don't really trust the MAC counter people because their recomendations never really work. I've found videos of this girl Suzy( and I couldn't be happier. I watched her video on brushes and went out and bought my own and OMG!! THANK YOU THANK YOU..I've bought brushes that work PERFECTLY for me. I've found some wonderful people on youtube that are super duper umber talented and I love watching their videos but some of their work I couldn't wear to work(accountants don't really wear super bright colors to work). Her videos and Laura's( are definitely more wearable for my life and I love them and can't get enough :))). You guys should DEFINITELY check them out.

Well this is good enough for the intro. I shall be posting more and I will be doing my best to try and post pictures of what I try out. This is soooo much fun!!


Bella said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere hermana!!! Will keep my eyes open to your progress in the luvly world of make up.
Drop by the Cafe Beautique and say HOLA!!!

♔Jaimie said...

welcome to blogging!!

Don't forget to check out my new Lady Gaga Look Contest!